Workers Compensation Attorney in Orange County
Workers Compensation is a system that provides financial and medical benefits to employees who are injured on the job. Employers offer this insurance as a tradeoff so that employees do not sue the employer or coworkers for negligence leading to a work related ailment. This is referred to as a “no fault” system. The California workers’ compensation system can be very helpful after an accident in most cases. When a worker is injured on the job the workers compensation system is the only way injured workers are able to receive proper medical and financial benefits. So, it is essential to know your rights underneath the California work comp laws and seek the legal representation of an experienced workers comp lawyer in Orange County if you are uncertain of what those rights are.
Workers Compensation Lawyer in Orange County
If you are injured on the job and you case is accepted, denied or delayed, your employer’s insurance company may compensate you for various costs, including:
- Lost income due to time away from work
- Pain and suffering
- Medical bills
- Related future medical care
Work Injury Lawyer in Orange County
The above are standard areas of reimbursement are covered under the workers compensation system in California. However, many injured workers are very intimidated by the daunting and complicated work comp system in California. This confusion leads to uncertainty to whether or not they are getting the benefits owed to them by law. The sad part is many employers and the workers compensation insurance companies who represent them are very familiar with the laws and very few injured workers are, leaving injured workers to fall victim to tactics that could be considered less than honest by insurance companies.
Work Injury Attorney in Orange County
Unfortunately many insurance companies question injured workers claims due to fraud, which has become a prevalent problem in cases of workers compensation, Exaggerated injuries or blaming current work environments for old injuries for a large monetary payout are common forms of workers’ compensation fraud. This abuse of the system tends to make work comp insurance companies cautious and particularly strict when processing workers’ compensation claims. However, if you are not part of a fraudulent claim and feel as if you are being treated as if you are, the best way to deal with the insurance company is to hire an experienced workers compensation attorney in Orange County to help guide you through the intimidating process of settling your workers compensation claim.
Workers Compensation Attorney in Orange County
Did you know that people who hire experienced attorneys much like the attorneys at the Workers’ Compensation Attorney Group in Orange County you are more likely to receive immediate medical attention and get your financial benefits on-time without delay?
Workers Compensation Attorneys in Orange County
The attorneys at the Orange County Workers’ Compensation Attorney Group have handled thousands of cases and have the experience to give you the best chance at a favorable outcome in your work injury claim in Orange County. We’ve seen all kinds of cases, and are here to reassure you that there is an appropriate and just outcome available to you, regardless of the very intimidating legal process.
Workers Compensation Lawyers in Orange County
The workers’ compensation attorneys at the Orange County Workers’ Compensation Attorney Group are here to remind you that you have rights underneath the California workers’ compensation system. Do not jeopardize your finances or your health any longer by waiting for the system to work for you. Contact us today at (714) 548-3294 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation regarding your work injury claim. Our workers comp lawyers will always ethically and aggressively defend your rights so that you receive the maximum allowable settlement allowed under the law. No recovery, no fee, which means if our lawyers don’t win your case, then you don’t pay!