- Missouri legislators consider reforms to Second Injury Fund
Missouri legislators are considering reforms to the state’s Second Injury Fund after a recent audit showed the fund as having a $25 million deficit.
Author Archives: admin
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- N.Y. governor’s budget includes workers compensation system reforms
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo presented his 2013-2014 budget and legislative agenda on Tuesday, that include a call to increase workers compensation benefits and implement system reforms.
- Temporary employee entitled to maximum workers comp benefit: Court
An injured worker’s temporary employment status should not prevent him from receiving the maximum workers compensation benefit multiplier allowed under Tennessee law, the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.
- OFF BEAT: DA’s investigator nailed in workers comp fraud scheme
The potential wrongdoers that the Fresno County District Attorney’s Workers’ Compensation Fraud Division pursues includes doctors, lawyers, employers, insurance company employees and claimants, according to the California county’s website.
- IAIABC Survey: Medical Marijuana and Workers’ Compensation January 2013 Jurisdiction
The International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions has compiled survey results on state medical marijuana regulations that apply to workers compensation cases.
- Late-term workers comp claim costs expected to grow: NCCI
More than 10% of the workers compensation medical benefit costs for injuries occurring this year will be paid for services provided more than two decades from now, according to NCCI Holdings Inc.
- Okla. lawmakers consider switch to administrative workers comp system
Oklahoma legislators are set to consider a bill that would create an administrative authority over the state’s workers compensation system.
- Anesthesiologist wins disability benefits for opioid addiction
A group insurer must provide long-term disability benefits for a hospital staff anesthesiologist addicted to an opioid pain medication commonly used in her anesthesia practice, a federal court ruled on Thursday.
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- Future medical payments not subject to employer’s subrogation claim
Third-party liability settlements can be used to reimburse employers for a claimant’s workers compensation benefits, but companies cannot collect payments for future medical expenses as part of their subrogation claim, the Tennessee Supreme Court said…
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- CDC: Stress in Today’s Workplace
Job stress increasingly poses a threat to worker health, raising the risk of illness and injury. This National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health publication examines workplace stress and what can be done about it.
- Pinnacol Assurance CEO Ken Ross resigns
Ken Ross has resigned as CEO of Pinnacol Assurance, Colorado’s workers compensation insurer of last resort, the company said Monday.
- OFF BEAT: Man blows workers comp scam by showing off at the gym
A 90-pound weakling might have gotten away with workers compensation fraud requiring him to fake that he couldn’t lift even 10 pounds, but an Ohio man caught repeatedly bench-pressing 500 pounds couldn’t pull off the scam.
- $25M mesothelioma judgment against Exxon Mobil overturned
Exxon Mobil Corp. escaped paying a nearly $25 million judgment to a ship worker who contracted mesothelioma because crucial evidence was excluded from trial, according to the Virginia Supreme Court.
- OFF BEAT: Gardener digs himself into a hole over workers comp claims
A California gardener found himself in deep dirt last week after being charged with workers compensation fraud for allegedly lying about his recovery from a work injury.
- COMMENTARY: Gamification aims to make workplace safety engaging
Gamification is gaining increasing attention as an employee management tool.
- Large employers show interest in ERISA-governed worker benefit plans
Some large employers want to establish injured worker benefit plans that are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act as an alternative to state workers compensation systems.
- Demand for dedicated workers comp claims adjusters is growing
Companies with large workforces or specialized return-to-work programs are asking their third-party administrators to provide dedicated claims adjusters who work exclusively on the company’s workers compensation accounts.
- ERISA compliance may not ensure appropriate care for injured workers
Employee Retirement In-come Security Act compliance would ensure appropriate care for injured workers if employers could opt out of more state workers compensation systems and establish alternative benefit plans, proponents say.
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- Obama signs Medicare Secondary Payer Act
H.R. 1845, a bill that aims to simplify compliance with the Medicare Secondary Payer Act, has been signed into law by President Obama.
- New York governor introduces workers compensation reforms
Workers compensation reforms introduced by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo include plans to help the state’s employers by selling bonds to finance claims costs left by about 30 failed group self-insured trusts.
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- Narcotic pain drugs remain atop list of workers comp insurer concerns
Addiction to opioid pain medications and the dispensing of drugs by doctors remain top concerns for workers compensation companies, survey results released Wednesday show.
- Wellness programs can reduce worker medical costs by 18%: Study
Workplace wellness programs can reduce medical costs by more than 18% for the average worker, according to a report published by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
- Delaware workers compensation rates to increase 14.6%
Delaware businesses will see a 14.6% average increase in workers compensation rates this year, the Delaware Department of Insurance said Friday.
- Illegal immigrants covered by Nebraska workers comp system: Court
Illegal immigrants are entitled to workers compensation disability benefits, Nebraska’s Supreme Court ruled on Friday.
- Workers comp benefits allowed for victim of hostage situation
An Ohio hospital employee who was held hostage at work by a prison inmate can receive workers compensation benefits for her post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from the standoff, an Ohio appellate court has ruled.
- Death threat does not warrant workers compensation benefits: Court
It’s highly unusual for a supervisor to threaten to kill an employee, but that is not enough to award a police officer workers compensation benefits, a Louisiana appeals court ruled.
- Hutterite colony must buy workers compensation insurance: Court
A religious colony must purchase workers compensation insurance for its members working in commercial enterprises, a divided Montana Supreme Court ruled Monday.
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- Conn. lawmakers consider workers comp measures in wake of shooting
Connecticut lawmakers are expected to consider legislation potentially expanding workers compensation benefits after last month’s killing of 20 children and six Sandy Hook Elementary School employees.
- Former NFL player Neil Smith files concussion lawsuit
Another former National Football League player has filed suit against the league for brain injuries he says were caused by concussions he suffered on the field.
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- Bill easing Medicare secondary payer compliance passes Senate
A bill that aims to ease Medicare Secondary Payer Act compliance passed the U.S. Senate late Friday and is awaiting President Barack Obama’s signature.
- American Airlines expands workers comp nurse case manager use
After a pilot study proved that automatically assigning workers compensation nurse case managers to all lost-time claims significantly reduced injured workers’ time away from the job, American Airlines Inc. is expanding the practice nationwide.
- Insurance insiders still hopeful that Congress will pass Medicare bills
With Congress set to adjourn this month, insurance insiders said they still hoped lawmakers would push through two bills intended to alleviate common Medicare Secondary Payer issues.
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- Medicare secondary payer bill passes House, sent to Senate
A bill that aims to ease common problems with Medicare Secondary Payer Act compliance has passed the House of Representatives as part of a larger legislative package.
Workers Compensation Press Updates
- Montana Supreme Court upholds dismissal of lawsuit by same-sex couples
Montana’s Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s dismissal of a lawsuit brought by same-sex couples seeking equal access to state protections and benefits, such as those provided under workers compensation laws.
- Employee raped at work entitled to maximum workers comp benefits: Court
A Missouri fast food worker who was raped while at work should receive the state’s maximum workers compensation benefits because her employer filed a late response to her claim, the Missouri Court of Appeals says.
- Newtown schools’ workers comp covered by public entity risk pool
The school district that suffered the loss of 20 students and six employees in a shooting rampage last week purchases workers compensation insurance from a public entities risk pool.
- Work-related vehicle accidents, claims down during recession: NCCI
Work-related vehicle accidents declined during the recent recession, and likely helped reduce the number of workers compensation claims resulting from such collisions, NCCI Holdings Inc. said Tuesday.
- OFF BEAT: Woman injured having sex on business trip wins court ruling
An Australian court recently delivered its opinion in the ongoing saga of a woman seeking workers compensation benefits for an injury suffered while having sex on a business trip.
- State laws concerning guns in company parking lots likely to resurface
State laws that would restrict employers from prohibiting workers from taking firearms onto company parking lots likely will surface again when their legislatures convene beginning in January, observers said Monday.
- Workers compensation sees cost spike in 3rd quarter: Towers Watson
Workers compensation insurance costs showed some of the largest increases when comparing third-quarter 2012 commercial insurance prices with those for the same period in 2011, according to data released Monday.